The Elegance of the Hedgehog was beautifully written. I began to really enjoy it after I got used to the difficult vocabulary and writing style. I recommend it! The ending was a bit shocking, but it was a great ending. If anyone has read it, I would love to hear your thoughts.
For Christmas, my sister gave me a book. When I opened the package, it was The Elegance of the Hedgehog. It was pretty funny that she gave me the book I just finished. I was happy to have someone to talk about the book with right after I had finished it. I exchanged it for Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang. Really classy going from a book which is basically literature to a trashy memoir by Chelsea Handler.
I have started and finished another book during the holidays. I read The Confession by John Grisham. I haven't read any John Grisham books that I can remember. I never thought that I was a crime novel kind of person. After reading The Confession I am definitely going to read other John Grisham books. I have his
latest, The Litigators on my Kindle which is on my list.
This book is about a young man who is on death row for a crime he did not commit. Nine years earlier Nicole Yarber was assaulted, raped, and murdered. A classmate of hers named Donte Drumm was accused and then charged with the crime. Nine years later, Donte is about to be executed when the actual murderer comes forward and admits the crime to a Lutheran minister. The book is about how these two men try to stop the execution in 24 hours in a town that is still very segregated and very pro capital punishment. This book was a very quick read and I recommend it to anyone who likes crime novels and/or John Grisham.
I started a new book today called Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman. It is a New York Times Best Seller. I have only read one chapter so far and I think I am really going to enjoy it. Here is the website with a thorough synopsis: CeeCeeHoneycutt
This is what my Kindle gives for a book description:
"Steel Magnolias" meets "The Help" in this "New York Times" bestseller sparkling with humor, heart, and feminine wisdom. Laugh-out-loud funny, Hoffman's charming work offers the story of a young girl who loses one mother and finds many others.
From the first chapter that I have read, I am hoping this this book becomes a movie. I'll give updates when I finish.
I am looking forward to hearing what you think about Saving CeeCee Honeycutt!